10 Stories of Lives Changed through Urban Centers of Influence

  1. Meet Consuelo a nursing student who found hope, friendship, faith, and purpose at her local urban center of influence (UCI).
  2. Hear from Jovesea man who was baptized after meeting God at a city park which Adventist members use as a UCI.
  3. Pass it on, like Sebastiana boy who met Jesus through a soccer field at a UCI, and told his parents, who were later baptized.
  4. Thank God for Danielawho received a free Bible and prayer from a UCI, found peace, and was baptized (skip to 3:47 in the video).
  5. Hear from Ericwho found sobriety through the caring ministry of Walk of Faith in Cleveland, and later became a volunteer there.
  6. Meet Dimitaran engineer in Bulgaria who found the Bread of Life while volunteering at a bakery.
  7. Get to know Helenwho volunteered at a Taipei Life Hope Center, and in the process, took Bible studies and was baptized.
  8. Read about Alinethe third generation of her family to take classes at a UCI, and who became a music teacher as a result.
  9. Become a change maker like Ferdinandwho began serving at a UCI after his own life was transformed there.
  10. Be moved by Jose who was helped by a UCI in Buenos Aires, and who later became the director there. (meet Jose at 3:57 in the video)