4 Encouraging Quotes by Guests at Urban Centers of Influence

  1. “I like to come to you, not only because you say the right things . . .
    . . . but you yourself live as you say." — Guest at Lentil café in Yoshkar-Ola, Russia.
  2. “When I come here, I feel like I’m coming to church! . . . . . . If there were a church I would join, it would be the Adventists!” — customer at Eden Life Market and Café in upstate New York
  3. “They are always patient—really, really patient . . . . . . That’s what I cannot see in some other language centers.” — Tony, student in the language program at Forward Venture in Hanoi
  4. “Does the Bible do this?” — Parents of a child whose behavior improved dramatically after attending classes, learning about the Bible, and being prayed for at the Nazareth Life Hope Center