6 Ways to Serve the Children in Your City

  1. Offer children's cooking classesLike they do in the heart of Haifa, Israel
  2. Start a tutoring/after-school programReaching kids who would otherwise have the fewest opportunities, like they're doing in El Monte, CA, U.S.
  3. Throw a party for foster kidsThey had a lot of fun doing this in Malibu, CA, U.S.
  4. Try a puppet ministryMaybe even a puppet that plays guitar, like "Dude" in California
  5. Provide arts and crafts activities in a space that includes their parentsLike this space by a playground, in a mall in Chicago, IL, U.S.
  6. Run a health fair for kidsUsing tunnels, and parachutes, and trampolines to teach eight principles of health, like they did in Lugansk, Ukraine

Watch "Loving the Children of the Cities."

Get more ideas for reaching out to the children in your city at Children.Adventist.org.