by Mylon Medley

Social distancing. It’s a term that has become ubiquitous in light of the coronavirus disease pandemic. According to the Johns Hopkins Medical Center, “Social distancing is deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. Staying at least six feet away from other people lessens your chances of catching COVID-19.” Unprecedented, widespread measures have been enacted to decrease gatherings and increase physical space between individuals in public spaces.

While society at large has taken a metaphorical detour in terms of its normal operation with the closing of businesses and schools, the needs of the marginalized remain — many are still without homes and/or jobs, require medical attention aside from care related to COVID-19, or need food and supplies for their families.

“It’s important for ministries who serve the vulnerable to continue their ministries in the middle of a global pandemic because when people are the most vulnerable, they need the hope and assurance these ministries provide,” said Bonita Shields, vice president for ministries of the North American Division.

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