By: Andreas Mazza, Inter-European Division News, and Adventist Review, courtesy Adventist Review
A local chapter of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in France is continuing to serve food and other provisions in what some people have described as “one of Europe’s worst refugee camps.” ADRA Dunkirk, a local branch of ADRA France, was founded in 2012 to support the increasing number of refugees in the area.
At that time, other humanitarian organizations were assisting refugees, but as they found out that nobody was distributing food on Sundays, ADRA leaders decided to step in. “Right away, we committed to addressing that need,” local ADRA leaders said. They also partnered with other organizations, asking how they could help.
“We were a small Adventist community in Dunkirk, but we decided to act and set up a local [ADRA] branch,” ADRA Dunkirk director Claudette Hannebicque shared. “We organized the first meeting, and we realized that immediate action was needed.”
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