5 Ways Your UCI Can Serve, and Help Reach People with Disabilities
- Build a recreation center for all, carefully including accessibility for those with disabilitiesas has been done at the Inclusive Center for the Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle, in Belarus.
- Create a center that allows you to be there for autistic kids and their familiesas has been done by the Support Center for Families of Autistic Kids, in Porto Alegre
- Start a school for children with disabilitiesas has been done through the Rostok (Tender Plant) School in Krasnodar city.
- Grow a monthly meeting for visually impaired campers into a weekly worship service as has been done by Hope Vision Fellowship in Toronto.
- Hold a Summer camp and other activities for kids with disabilitiesas has been done by CERO church in Madrid, which has an ongoing ministry to these kids.