The Vegan Nest Café Prioritizes Community
Worcester, MA
Through great vegan food, health education, community baby showers and more, The Vegan Nest finds ways to care for its community.
Through great vegan food, health education, community baby showers and more, The Vegan Nest finds ways to care for its community.
An English-language children's library in Argentina shares positive books, while offering activities for young families.
AdventHealth is addressing food insecurity and improve health by bringing healthy food and health screening to vulnerable communities
Psychosocial and spiritual support both provided to the community through Helping Hand
Expo-sanctuary is “a traveling exhibition that seeks to reproduce the structure and function of the ancient Israeli sanctuary.” Ten stations with two activities each make for an interactive learning experience, and several baptisms have resulted.
The 12-week llifestyle program helps patients lose weight, build strength and fitness,, learn how to cook healthfully, reduce stress levels and improve quality of life.
A mobile medical clinic in the form of a bus provides treatment in communities where people have little access to healthcare.
For more than five decades, the restaurant has been a trusted community hub.
At the Christmas Store, children "buy" gifts for their whole family at no cost.
When Aya felt called to reach out to kids in Tokyo, God provided a home in the perfect location.
The Urban Life Center features a “juice bar” which also offers workshops on wellness, health, and leadership. Additionally, it invites patrons to partner in projects serving the Baltimore community.